
Friday, January 23, 2009

Gas Discovered in Israel

The fact the Israel has just discovered a huge natural gas well, is significant in a number of ways. First off let's remember that Ezekiel 38 says that the enemies of Israel will be enticed to invade Israel to take Israel's wealth. Read the passage and it says, " you come to plunder and take booty?" So obviously, Israel must have somthing that the world desires in the Last Days. We already know the Dead Sea minerals are worth $billions and if they discover gas and oil worth $billions more...the prophecy is further shaping up to be fulfilled.

Furthermore, a discovery like this can make Israel independent from importing energy. This is a big deal for any country but even more so for Israel since the hatred of the world seems to growing towards her.

Certainly something big is happening and Israel is right smack dab in the middle of it....just as the bible said she would be.

Read it here;

1 comment:

  1. WOW... how appropriate that the well at the new site is named "Tamar"????? Genesis 38:1-10
