
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hamas Must Be Delusional

Because of Hamas, Israel was forced to go into Gaza and blow up $1.5 billion worth of buildings, lay the city low and kill 1300 people during the 3 week campaign. So what does Hamas do the day after Israel stops shelling....the surviving leaders crawl out of hiding and declare a victory over Israel. Read some of these quotes from the leader of Hamas;

Meshal went on to say that the Gaza offensive was a "total defeat for Israel" because it failed to achieve its goal including the ouster of Hamas from Gaza. "Instead, Hamas emerged stronger with enhanced Arab, Islamic and world backing," he said. "The only success scored by Israel was the killing of more than 1300 and injury of about 6,000 people, half of them children and women."

Read the full article here;

Is the world truly going to expect Israel to make peace with these literal crackpots?

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