
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hamas Speaks

The political leader of Hamas spoke in Damascus yesterday and as you read his words, it's incredibly obvious that there will never be a peace agreement between Gaza and Israel...until the anti-christ puts one in place that will last about 3 1/2 years.

Read some of his words:

"We will not accept a permanent truce, because it will take the right of resistance from the Palestinian people. The resistance is against occupation and military campaigns and therefore as long as occupation exists, resistance will too... "

So he tells us straight up...there will be no lasting peace because they are not looking for peace.

"And to the Arab countries, by God you abandoned and degraded us. But if you made mistakes in the past go ahead and correct your mistakes before it is to late… I call on Arab countries not to welcome any Israeli official in their capitals. The Arab leaders must coordinate and be aligned with the will of their people. Moreover, I call on Arab countries that have relations with Israel to tell the Israelis either that they should stop their war, or that the Arab countries will stop their relations."

So you can see the glimmer of a fracture happening in the Arab world that they may not be able to keep this palestinian lie under wraps for much longer.

Read the full speech here;

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