
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Insights from Jerusalem

The following comments are from a Jew in Jerusalem who runs a jewelry store I visited while in Israel a few years ago;

Moshe Kempinski

The history of a people can only be determined and written by individuals with passion and vision. The unfolding of a people's destiny is blocked and deterred by small people with petty desires. Small people like our leaders who are frightened by the world's opinions and whose actions are directed by the election polls that are being published every night. That is the reason it was expected that Olmert and his cadre of self centered politicians would replay the Lebanon cease fire model.

This is despite the fact that the U.N.-mandated disarmament of Hezbollah in Lebanon has turned into an international joke. Instead of disarming or blocking the further flow of armaments to the Hezbollah, the ceasefire has made it impossible for Israel to react against the continuation of the farce.The powers of the world has succeeded again to force the very willing Israeli leadership to re-enact the same arrangement in Gaza.

Does anybody really think the Egyptians would ensure that their Muslim brothers would not re-arm themselves? Can anyone assume that foreign troops would risk themselves attempting to arrest or eliminate the rocket launching terrorists? The only thing one can safely assume is that the Hamas will rearm. It will build stronger fortifications and it will bide its time.

President Obama flush with his self image as the new messiah will turn the screws on the only side of the conflict who is weak enough to comply, the Israelis. The European governments mindful of the growing and vocal Muslim electorate in their countries will try to impose their Pax Europa on the stubborn stiff necked Jews. The Muslim nations buoyed by their belief that the end days of Jihad have arrived will continue to use their two most powerful weapons, terror and the narrative of suffering.

The future looks bleak except that Israel is poised for a change. That change will reshuffle the cards that have been dealt. The powers that will ensure that change have already been released during this past conflict in the Gaza strip. The source of those powers is in the heavens but its actualization has already been unleashed in the hearts and souls of many in this eternal land.

Rather than looking towards G-d and crying out that the dangers are so large, we should be looking at the dangers and crying out that our G-d is so large.

Isn't it interesting that a lot of us Christians are seeing the "Messiah" syndrome in President Obama...and so it this traditional Jew?

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