
Friday, January 30, 2009

More Rumors of War

It seems everywhere we look on the globe, the threat of military conflicts are growing. The latest one, that has been simmering for decades, is between North and South Korea. The North is led by a mad-man regime and is totally out of touch with reality. We know they successfully tested a nuclear bomb and we also know that they sold military secrets to Syria. Last year Israel flew into Syria in the middle of the night and destroyed a nuclear reactor site.

Now we get this quote from a Reuter's article;

"The confrontation between the north and the south in the political and military fields has been put to such extremes that the inter-Korean relations have reached the brink of a war."

To me saying "brink of war" means that bullets could start flying any day. If that happens, Vice President Biden's prophetic statement that Obama will be tested early in his presidency will certainly come to pass.

Read the full article here;

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come". Jesus

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