
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

U.S. Collapse Predicted Again

Previously I posted an article that a Russian professor predicted the U.S. is going to collapse and be split into 4 different regions. Now some U.K official is predicting our collapse...along with theirs. His points are pretty hard to argue with concerning America;

"She is a large, and for the time being, a relatively prosperous nation, and I think that the likelihood I'm afraid is that Obama is going to change that for the worse. He has all the kindliness intentions I have no doubt; the left usually do," he adds. "They would love to have motherhood and apple pie, as would we all. But they are so busy working out how to distribute the apple pie, that they never think about the people who are going to have to roll up their sleeves and bake it. And that's the difficulty with socialism. It is all about redistribution and not about generation of wealth."

Read the full article here;

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