
Saturday, February 14, 2009

$100 Bills 600 Miles High

That's how much money we are talking about in the stimulus plan. So the answer that Obama and brains have come up with to stimulate the economy is to print more money and take out more loans. Hmmm...that doesn't seem like the best answer for a government that is already wallowing in so much debt, but hey!...who want's to explain to people that 4-5 yrs of severe pain is what they can expect UNLESS we do this deal?

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., spoke of a stack of hundred-dollar bills 689 miles high, and of bills wrapped side-by-side that would encircle the Earth nearly 39 times. House Republicans predicted that the package's costs — with interest on the necessary borrowing — could total more than a trillion dollars, enough money to buy about 1,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies for every American.

Certainly the earth is being shaken...and the high men are coming down from their lofty towers. I wonder if God has shaken this tower before...when it was called the Tower of Babel?

Read the full article here;

And Can have your cake and eat it too...cuz this is America.

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