
Sunday, February 15, 2009

$10,000 Billion

That's a hard number to comprehend, but that's what the U.S. Government has put out there in an attempt to "solve" the financial crisis. As we talked about in adult ed this morning, this will ultimately put pressure on the demand of the world to have one currency...exactly as the bible prophesies. Here's what Hal Lindsey had to say;

I'll also ask the question: "How much is enough?" estimates that with Senate approval of President Obama's "stimulus package," the government's total committment to solving the financial crisis has now risen to almost $10 trillion. That's ten TRILLION -- or 10,000 BILLIONS! Yet no one really knows if the effort will have any substantial effect. I can answer that question right now. It will have an effect, but it won't solve the problem. Here's the 'effect': we're headed -- with increasing speed -- toward a global money system. This worldwide crisis is rapidly laying the foundation for that system. To much of the world, it's becoming "apparent" that some sort of centralized control is needed to avert a global depression or catastrophe (a description that President Obama invokes often). For the first time, world leaders are openly and publicly discussing the need for such a system. That's a major -- and necessary -- step toward giving that global authority the power to decide who "buys or sells."

I do know one effect this will have...INFLATION. You can't print that much paper money without having all the money outstanding become more and more worthless. The Fed has no choice but to try and ramp up inflation since then they believe they will get their only tool back (interest rate adjustments) to try and jigger the speed of the economy.

It's a dangerous gamble since it could lead to the default of the U.S. Government.

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