
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Australia Burning

Yes, I know there have always been brush fires, droughts, and natural disasters...but you have to wonder if the frequency is increasing as the earth continues through it's birth pangs in anticipation of the nearness of Christ's return.

Australia’s worst bushfires on record left at least 84 people dead and may burn for days as winds fan flames across southern Victoria state.

“Out there it has been hell on earth,” Victorian Premier John Brumby said yesterday in a televised address. “These fires though are not finished. We have strong winds across the state and the fires will continue to burn for days and communities will continue to be threatened.”

Read full article here;

I don't believe that it is God who is sending all these catasrophes...but I do believe that it is His spirit that restrains all the evil, destruction and chaos that Satan would prefer. Furthermore, I believe that he allows the world to see glimpses of what this planet will look like when His spirit (the restrainer) is withdrawn....which precedes The Tribulation. It is a wake up call for all...because He loves us and would prefer that all would come to Him before it's too late.

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