
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Clash Coming

U.S. intel has reported to Congress that a clash is liable to happen in 2009 between Israel and Iran.

Israel and Iran are liable to enter into a confrontation or a crisis sometime this year due to Tehran's progress in its nuclear weapons program and Jerusalem's determination to thwart it, the head of U.S. intelligence told lawmakers on Thursday.

As faithful readers, you know that the terrorist group Hezbollah, is an outpost of Iran and has pretty much taken over Lebanon. Also Hamas in Gaza and West Bank and also Syria. They are all getting their marching orders, military and financial aid, from Iran. So the clash that is ongoing in Gaza is really a tiny proxy war with Iran.

The intel chief went on to say what the Obama administration should attempt in order to bring peace.

So long as Hamas rules Gaza and Hezbollah solidifies its hold on southern Lebanon, an Israel-Palestinian agreement becomes more difficult to reach, Blair said. Nonetheless, the former admiral recommended that the U.S. invest greater effort in advancing the peace process so as to create opportunities for the U.S. to engage in dialogue with wide swaths of the Arab public, particularly those with nationalistic and Islamic tendencies.

Put another way, he is saying that the U.S. should engage with the very people who deny Israel's right to exist and believe that Islamic rule and law should be imposed over the entire earth. Certainly this will not be a good path for the U.S. to take.

Read full article here;

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