
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Continuous World War

Climate change is in the headlines daily. The article below talks about the ice melting and raising sea levels. As we already know, a huge percentage of the earth's population live on the coasts of all the continents. If the sea rises as fast as some say it could, all those people would have to move further inland. Whenever people are forced to move it leads to war.

It would "transform where people can live," Stern said. "People would move on a massive scale. Hundreds of millions, probably billions of people would have to move if you talk about 4-, 5-, 6-degree increases" — 7 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. And that would mean extended global conflict, "because there's no way the world can handle that kind of population move in the time period in which it would take place."

Obviously, the poorer nations who already have millions of people living in boxes and mud huts, would be most severely impacted. And to this fact came this quote;

In the face of such threats, "the rich countries have to give us a helping hand," the African minister said.

That sure sounds logical that the rich nations will have to help the poor nations...but what if the rich nations are broke? I guess that will just add to the continuous world war that appears headed for planet earth.

Come Lord Jesus.

Read article here;

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