
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dividing Holy Land

We all know that the bible cast's severe warnings on any country that messes with God's land. As the talk continues to heat up for "mideast peace", watch for more and more pressure to be put on Israel to give up land in exchange for peace.

I'm not sure why Israel would ever consider this plan again as it has been tried before and within days of giving up land, the Arabs declare "victory" over the "evil Zionists" and start launching missiles or planning the next suicide attack in an attempt to garnish even more "land for peace".

When Bush was president there was a frightening trend that started to pressure the Jews to divide their land. Now it appears that pressure may be building under Obama. Read full article here;

If this article is true, Obama may be off to a great start with "The World"....but he is getting off to a very bad start in God's economy. In his first days in office he has signed laws making it easier to kill God's creation's using abortion, he has embraced the homosexual agenda (complete with a gay marching band at his innauguration), and now he may be getting set to meddle in God's land. It doesn't look good for this nation if our leadership keeps sticking their fingers in God's eye.

1 comment:

  1. If obama is helping the Middle East dividing up Israel and god is going to punish any one who tries to. Then I think obama should get the punishment personally and maybe even the people that voted for him of course in the last election.
