
Monday, February 9, 2009

Get 'em While They're Hot!

Many of you have heard me say that we, as a country, spend more money than we take in. So in order to finance that desire, we have to borrow money from other people and/or countries and then promise to pay it some set point in the future. The Gov't accomplishes this by selling U.S. Treasury Bonds through an auction process.

Get this;
The U.S. Government announced last Wednesday (2/4/2009) that it will hold 8 auctions per year to borrow money through the issuance of 30 yr Treasury Bonds, double the 4 auctions per year that currently take place. (Source; Treasury Department)

So what may this indicate?...maybe that the U.S. Government is going to try and sell all the crappy paper that it can before the investors of the world catch on (more than they already have) to the fact that the U.S. is going to be hard pressed to make good on it's repayment promises.

Can anyone say the word "default"?

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