
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Open Disobedience

I'm pretty sure that if God put something in the 10 Commandments...He feels pretty strongly about it. So when he tells us to stay away from other people's wives and husbands (adultery) we should probably listen. But hey?!...who want's to listen to God anymore?...that's not any fun! So in the spirit of the times in which we live, there is now a website dedicated to married people looking to "hook up" with other married people. And with no shame whatsoever, the site tried to buy advertising during the Super Bowl but the ad was only allowed to run on certain local stations who were enticed by the advertising revenue. CEO Noel Biderman said he started the service in 2001, after reading that 30 percent of the people signing up for singles dating services were actually married.

“I thought, wouldn’t it be better to be honest about your status?” he said. “About 3.3 million members and tens of millions of dollars later, I think I was right.”

Today, the Toronto-based company is focusing on Texas because Houston, Dallas and San Antonio represent its fastest-growing markets.

“We’ve had close to a quarter-million members join in the past few months,” Biderman said.

This is exactly how sin becomes ingrained and accepted in our culture. 20 years ago it would have been unbelievable that Channel 11 in the Twin Cities would run an ad featuring two gay men advertising a gay-chat-line as a way for gay men to hook up for sex. Now those ads are on every night...right along with the heterosexual-chat-lines which promise the callers fornication and lust...which are equally disobedient.

Read article here;

It seems that with every move this society makes...we draw one step closer to inviting God's wrath.


  1. Another reason not to watch tv. But one question I have is this - how many people stand up and do anything about it? It's easy to gripe and complain to the person sitting next to you on the couch, but if you keep watching that channel, nothing changes. If you don't call the station, nothing changes. If you don't call other advertisers and tell them that their adds are running along side this garbage, nothing is going to change. If we don't have open discussions with co-workers and friends (not arguments because minds aren't changed when we fight), nothing will change.

  2. Amen! But remember who it is that wants us sound asleep...content to watch the world go by...never really "contending for the faith". Sadly, the men in the Christian church are dying because they never received the memo that we are in a war...a spiritual war as outlined in Ephesians 6, and we need lots of good men to stand up and get armed for battle. But is it too late...have we gone past the point of no return... where the next event is going to be wrath?
