
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Christian Film in Damascus

The linked article is written by Joel Rosenberg, best selling author of Epicenter. It tells of a Christian themed movie about the life of the Apostle Paul that will be played in Damascus. This is both encouraging and strange, given that Islam has deterred Syrian Christians from spreading the Gospel message.

It is especially noteworthy given two Bible prophecies -- one in Isaiah 17 and the other in Jeremiah 49 -- that suggest the city of Damascus will be obliterated in what the Bible calls "the last days." The Scriptures do not say exactly when or how the Syrian capital will be destroyed. But let us pray that the powerful message of Paul's life and Jesus Christ's love and forgiveness for all people is clearly communicated to every Syrian, particularly those in the capital.

Read it here;

Certainly, look for Christ to be gathering all those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life as time remaining for the Age of Grace draws to a close.

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