
Monday, March 2, 2009

Iran Clenches Its Fist

The title of this post also corresponds to the title of an article written by ex-UN ambassador, John Bolton. Mr. Bolton is sounding the alarm on Iran and has been for sometime. He is also very adamant about the fact that talking to the Iranians (diplomacy) will not reduce Iran's nuclear program.

Hordes of U.S. officials with vague and overlapping mandates -- special envoys, ambassadors, cabinet officials, and, of course, the vice president -- are racing to be in the first photo-op with Iran. But what should focus our attention is the substantive risk that Tehran will use its opportunity to employ diplomacy to undermine U.S. interests.

Read full article here;

So, Mr. Obama, I sincerely hope that talking to the Iranian regime will help the cause for world peace. The people talking to Hitler in 1938 had the same hopes...but they turned out to be not only false hopes, but dangerous hopes. So with that history as a backdrop, I pray that you and your administration are working on Plan B...just in case talk doesn't work.

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