
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Israel Killing Ethiopians?

Interesting news reports have surfaced from CBS. They claim that Israeli jets bombed some military convoys in Sudan during Israel's fighting in Gaza last January. Why?...because the convoy was carrying arms meant for Gaza fighters.

But here is a real interesting paragraph;

The attack reportedly killed 39 people and destroyed 17 trucks. Although Sudan has yet to officially blame - or even acknowledge - the strike, Sudanese State Minister for Highways Mabrouk Mubarak Saleem was quoted in the Sudanese Tribune this week as saying that a "major power bombed small trucks carrying arms, burning all of them." He added that the strike killed "Sudanese, Eritreans and Ethiopians, and injured others."

Read full article here;

Anytime you see the words "Israel" and "Ethiopia" in the same article, watchers need to perk up...especially in the day we are living. Why? Read Ezekiel 38:5 and you will see that, "Persia, Cush and Put will be with them." Cush is present day Ethiopia and "them" is referring to the great horde that will form to attack Israel in the Last days. So if it's true that Israel has killed some could push them closer into the arms of Russia and further set the table for this 2800 year old prophecy to be fulfilled.

"Cool!", you might say. But it's way more than that...because there is a VERY good chance that all Christ believers will be called home in the rapture before this war happens.

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