
Monday, March 16, 2009

More on "God's Wrath" Prediction

Last Monday, I posted some comments by David Wilkerson who claims he is having visions sent by the Holy Spirit that are showing him New York burning, anarchy, chaos, etc... I thought his comments were interesting in light of all the armegeddon talk running around the globe. But....Mr Wilkerson seems to have a history of fiery visions coming for the USA. Again, don't get me wrong, I know fiery stuff is coming for planet earth...but it's because Peter, John and Jesus said so, not because Mr. Wilkerson is saying so.

Mr. Wilkerson may not be helping the prophecy watchers at this important time. Why?? Because everytime he says that God's wrath is coming any day now...and then 10,20, or 30 yrs go by....he discredits most all prophecy watchers.

Rapture Ready has some great comments on Mr. Wilkerson. They have been following his visions for 30+ some years and have listed some of Mr. Wilkerson's failed predictions that he gave in his 1974 book, THE VISION;

Marijuana will be legalized.
Nude dancing in church will become popular.
We will see “Satan evangelists” witnessing to people.
Bands of homosexuals will roam the streets, raping people at will.
A new drug will cause teenagers to become more sexually active.
Environmentalists will come under heavy criticism.
Storms with huge hailstones will kill thousands of people and cause massive damage.
The U.S. dollar will collapse.
There will be a major famine in America.

Let us also remember that the bible tells us in Deuteronomy that a prophet sent from God is 100% accurate. If he made a prediction and it didn't come true...then he wasn't from God, and he was supposed to be killed. That's how serious God took prediction making amongst the ancient Israelites, so God must be serious about it today as well. In making these failed predictions, Mr. Wilkerson loses credibility...and rightly so.

Read the rest of Rapture Ready comments here;


  1. I haven't done any research on this guy but my question would be this - is he putting specific dates on predictions? Because, there are a few of those that you listed that might not be far off.

    "Marijuana will be legalized" - I've heard rumblings about doing this.

    "Environmentalists will come under heavy criticism." We aint there yet but it seems the longer we go, the bigger the devide is here.

    "The U.S. dollar will collapse." Tell me you haven't heard people talk about this lately?

    Don't get me wrong - I am very skeptical of "PROPHETS" and I have my doubts that this gentleman is one. But, you mentioned that one sign of a true prophet is that they are 100% right on. But what worries me is that when you are living at the same time as a prophet, some of his predictions may have come true but some are yet to happen, so therefore they aren't 100% accurate, YET, which means I can't trust anyone.... Does that make sense?

    But I also know that statement isn't tru because not everything in the Bible has happened, yet, but there is enough evidence of past predictions coming true that it is believeable. Sorry-now I'm just confusing myself.

  2. I believe Mr Wilkerson is putting some dates on his predictions by saying that all these things he predicted in the 1970's were soon coming. Also, I don't believe that God is sending prophets anymore...but there are people with the gift of prophecy. My understanding of that gift is that the bearer of the gift has a sense of urgency to wake people up from their sleepy existence and point them to the word of they can see for themselves what prophesies are shaping up for fulfillment...and also to get there lives straight...since time is short for all of us. If you are 50 yrs old, you may see Jesus in the next 30 yrs...maybe at the rapture or maybe by dying a natural death. Either way, your time is short. You have some good points...but to many Mr Wilkerson is sounding like the little boy who cried wolf. Pretty soon, no one believes you if you keep shouting "dollar collapse!" for 30 yrs. Yes, it will ultimately collapse but he was dead wrong to say it was soon happening as the dollar was the strongest currency in the world for the next 40 yrs. Thanks for your comments.
