
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama Just Like Bush, Says Iran

It appears that Obama may have a tough time talking to the Iranians. For one thing, they don't want to talk about their nuclear ambitions if that means we are going to question their desire for weapons. They don't think that is respectful of us.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said Iran would welcome talks with the U.S. — but only if there was mutual respect. Iranian officials have said that means the U.S. needs to stop accusing Iran of seeking to build nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism, charges Tehran has denied.

Obviously, it's going to be hard for Obama and Hillary to talk about nuclear weapons if the Iranians leave the room when the word "weapon" is said.

In addition to this word problem, Iran believes we are Satanic and we need a lesson in human rights.

"Change means giving up your satanic, coercive and aggressive ways and instead adopting more human morals. ... If you accept this invitation, it will be to the benefit of yourself and your nation," Ahmadinejad told a crowd in northwestern Iran. He did not mention Obama by name but was referring to the new president's administration.

Read full article here;

In summation....they think we are Satan and and we can't use the word "weapon". I hope they serve a good cup of green tea so Hillary get's something good out of their talks.

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