
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Way to Hell

Obviously no one knows how to fix a financial house of cards. As a country, the U.S. has borrowed itself rich in the past few decades. It doesn't seem logical that borrowing more money to fix this dilema will be a solid answer. The EU president has an even more critical outlook on this plan;

"All of these steps, their combination and their permanency is a way to hell. We need to read the history books," he said.
Czech Vice Prime Minister Alexandr Vondra later sought to play down the comment, denying before journalists at a news conference at the parliament that Topolanek made the "hell" remark.
An AFP check of the original recording found that Topolanek did indeed make the comment.

Read the full article here;

We know that ultimately the piper will have to be paid. But with the worshiped stock market moving up again in the past few weeks, and now housing numbers showing some surprising trends....who knows...maybe it can be propped up for a while. Remember, you just gotta have faith. The question still in what?

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