
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Letter Writing Didn't Work

Shoot, darn and shucks!!! The world community drafted a very nice letter to North Korea and told them that the world was disappointed in their decision to launch a missile. Furthermore, the letter said that there may be repercussions filed against North Korea since they ignored world opinion. And wouldn't you know it....the North Koreans got mad at our letter and now they have taken their toys and gone home to start building more nuclear devices! And to make matters worse....they kept all the blackmail money we paid them last year to shut off their nuclear program. Darn it anyway!! I mean really....who could have seen that all coming?? We talked to them and they promised us with a pinky-swear after we gave them the money... Oh well,....I guess we must have been talking to the wrong guy. Next time we will find the right guy who will honor his pinky-swear.

Read article here;

Honestly....has the entire world lost it's mind? When will the world learn that despotic-meglomaniacs can't be trusted with their words? I guess we need to learn our lesson on that front about once every 60-70 yrs. The last time we believed a despot was when Prime Minister Chamberlain went to talk with Hitler and got a signed letter from Hitler saying he was just building up his military for self-confidence reasons and had no plans on using it.

Within months of that letter being signed, Hitler had taken over most of Europe and WWII would lead to the deaths of millions. Can't anyone see we are repeating the same mistakes?? Appeasement only makes despots more dangerous and more confident.

The world is currently standing on a VERY dangerous precipice.

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