
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Liberal Mind

Many of us know from experience that the world view of a liberal versus a conservative can be miles apart. Also, there are many various areas and topics on which they differ. One area we want to touch on today is charitable giving. As a rule, the conservative sees a need and then opens up his wallet and his calendar and figures out how to do something about it.

The liberal, on the other hand, sees a need and then rallys other liberals to lobby their government (local, state, federal or all of the above) to get EVERYONE on board for the need they see. Then they get their funding from taxes raised. They don't have a problem paying $1 more in taxes as long as EVERYONE pays that dollar.

Now, let's take a look at one of the leading liberals in the country and see if this generalization may apply. Below is a link to VP Joe Biden's charitable giving for the past 10 years.

Access link here;

You can quickly see that even though VP Biden has made $200,000 to $300,000 per year for the past 10...he usually only gives a few hundred bucks to his favorite charities. We know kid's with part time jobs who give more to charitable causes than VP Biden does!

Conclusion; this generalization of the liberal mind holds some water.

Next we will try and see if this generalization holds up to the most famous liberal in the country.

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