
Friday, April 3, 2009

Rumors About Israel Attacking Iran

The rumors are coninuing to build. Will Israel be forced to go into Iran all by themselves and stop or stall Iran's nuclear ambitions? It's sure looking more and more like that's the case. The U.S. is too busy dealing with our money problems...we have no time to confront evil. Europe gave up fighting with guns and bombs long they want nothing to do with any confrontation of any kind. They would prefer angry letter writing over violence.

So the clock ticks. Said Robert Gates;

"I think we have more time than that. How much more time I don't know," Gates said of the end-of-2009 benchmark. "It is a year, two years, three years. It is somewhere in that window." (til Iran has a nuclear bomb)

His comments contrasted with those of Gen. David Petraeus, the top US army commander in the Middle East, who told Congress Wednesday that Israel "may ultimately see itself so threatened by the prospect of an Iranian nuclear weapon that it would take preemptive military action to derail or delay it."

Read the article here;

As we have said many times already...Israel is not going to sit still and simply HOPE that an Iranian nuke doesn't come out of the sky and kill 6 million Jews in one minute. They made a big mistake with Hitler when they didn't organize and fight him right away. With Hitler, the Jews refused to believe what was happening...until it was too late to fight back. They will not make that mistake with Iran...even if it means igniting the entire region in a fire-storm. Israel has a right to life...regardless of what the world believes.

We must remember though that if Israel goes into Iran, oil prices are going to spike and gasoline prices could double or triple overnight. If that happens soon, at a time when the G-20 believes we are pulling out of our economic malaise, and sends the markets and consumer confidence tumbling....look for those G-20 nations to turn on Israel in a heartbeat. Most are already upset at Israel for not giving the Palestinians and Arabs what they are asking for.

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