
Friday, April 10, 2009

Sound Familiar?

As we all know, America is not the only country going through financial uncertainties. Japan, which is among the top 5 largest economies in the world, is also having serious problems. It appears they are choosing to handle their crisis in the same way we are....borrow our way out of it.

Some of these quotes are pretty prophetic;

“The fiscal situation of the government is deteriorating faster than anyone imagined,” Daley said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. The government needs to address its debt “so the Japanese consumer feels comfortable that their pension system is viable. They will then start to unlock those savings,” he said. (emphasis mine)

Jesus said that The End will come like a flood....faster than anyone could have imagined.

Here's another good one;

“The stimulus will probably prevent Japan from falling apart in the short term, but it will leave a massive bill for the future,” said Hiromichi, chief economist at Credit Suisse Group AG in Tokyo. “The package doesn’t do anything to promote a sustainable economic recovery.” (emphasis mine)

It's simply amazing that we are having a discsussion about Japan falling apart.

Read it here;

The same concerns brought forth in this article apply to the U.S. as well. All this debt and printed money may save us in the short term, but probably won't do anything to promote a sustainable economic recovery.

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