
Friday, April 24, 2009

This Guy is Good!!

We said we were going to try and take a break from Obama watching....but it has proved impossible. Obama is endangering U.S. citizens in such serious ways that we need to understand what is going on. First, he is endangering us in front of a wrathful God who has put his seal on the Jews and Israel. Second, he is endangering us in front of all U.S. enemies around the world. So on that note, you simply MUST read this article that I missed when it first came out, that took place BEFORE Obama was even elected.

We all remember the setting...Obama went to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem last July and inserted his paper prayer into the cracks of the wall....just like the Jews have done everyday since 1967. Some of us said to ourselves, "Cool! Maybe Obama does understand Israel. Maybe he will support her."

But it turns out the whole thing was staged. Obama had the details all thought out. He knew that the prayer he packed into the wall was going to be "discovered" by the newspaper he was in colusion with. And the "humble prayer" that he had penned to the "Lord"....had already been pre-approved to be released for public consumption. Thereby he could continue on his campaign of desiring to be all things to all people.

If the Maariv statement about pre-approval of publication of the note is true, it would mean that the Obama campaign had managed the event brilliantly, if deceptively, getting the double benefit of appearing to be victimized by the invasive Israeli press and prayer-thieving Jew while at the same time leaking out his humble Christian plea to the Lord.

Read article here;

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