
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

U.S. Weakening In Eyes of Iran

We need to remember that perception is reality all over the world. What does that mean?
-- It means when Iran takes U.S. embassy hostages in 1979 and holds them for over a year...and the U.S. does nothing. (Carter)

-- When Hezbollah kills hundreds of U.S. marines in Lebanon in 1983...and the U.S. withdraws. (Reagan)

--When Islamic militants shoot down a U.S. helicopter in Somalia in 1993 and drag our dead soldiers through the streets....and the U.S. withdraws. (Clinton)

--- When the U.S.S. Cole is blown up in Yemen in 2000, and navy soldiers are killed...and the U.S withdraws. (Bush)

-- When Al qaida crashes planes into the towers in 2001...and the Islamists around the world cheered.

Like it or not, action and in-action send a message. And the message that is being heard loud and clear around the Islamic world is, "USA is weak, financially bankrupt, lacks will and has grown fat and lazy." And because of this belief, we may have lost any bargaining chip that we may have had with Iran.

But financial pressure may be less effective these days because of a growing belief in Iran that America’s power is waning, its economy in ruins. In 2003, when America ignored Iran’s hints of a grand bargain, the ruling clerics sought America’s embrace because they feared its wrath. No longer. As the epicurean mullah said when urged to eat some wholesome jelly, “If it is so fortifying, why does it wobble so much?”

Read article here;

Iran no longer fears our wrath and we have nothing that they what does Obama plan to say to them? "Hi guys, could you pleeeeeaaaasseee quit making a nuclear bomb??? Pleeeeeeeease??" That will only make us appear more pitiful in their eyes than we have already become. Plus they will post that up on their terrorist recruitment website and say that Obama has come begging because he fears Islam..." you better join the jihad now and get on the winning you can tell your grandkids that you were part of defeating the "great satan".

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