
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tone it Down, Israel!

We realize there are always two sides to every story and that while Obama may love to tell Iran to "tone down the rhetoric on Israel!".....he can't, for various reasons. So he has to tell Israel to tone down the rhetoric regarding the danger of Iran.

Let's review; we know that Iran is saying the Holocaust never existed, we know that Iran's Ahmadinejad has told the world to prepare itself for a day when the U.S. and Israel won't exist, we know he believes that global chaos would be a good thing because it will bring back the 12th Imam to kill the Jews and Christians, and we know that everytime the world invites him to speak he lambasts the Jews and invites us all to pray to Allah for the soon return of the 12th Imam.

Now let's look at some recent comments by Iran's military;
"The truth is that Israel does not have the courage to attack us. If we are subjected to any attack by Israel, I do not think we will need more than 11 days to wipe Israel out of existence."

Read full article here;

The world seems to be coming more in line everyday with what the bible said would happen; "In the Last days, the right will be wrong and the wrong will be right." If ever a time that common sense seemed to be in rapid decline and logic seems thrown out the window....that time is now.

Remember to pray daily for the meetings between Netanyahu and Obama and also remember to pray for Iran, as Ahmadinejad is up for re-election in less than a month.

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