
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What About Michelle?

We have posted much about President Obama in the past months. We believe he is a strong foreshadowing of how the anti-christ will woo the world with charisma and charm so that all will blindly follow him.

But what about Michelle? Afterall, she is almost as popular as her husband. Young women scream and faint in her presence and she was recently named one of the "World's 100 Most Influential People." And that honor also went to 99 others around the globe that inclued actors, politicians, thinkers and scientists.

The Today show had a blurb on the banquet held for these 100 people and of course the Hollywood-Obama-Supporting-Elite were there in full, red carpet form. When they interviewed some of the Hollywood people, they almost couldn't contain their excitement that they got to be in the same room with Mrs. Obama! They were almost breathless!

And here is one statement that Michelle told the global audience from the podium; "There has never been a time when the saying, 'We are all in this together,' has been more applicable."

So yes folks....the world is pulling together and soon the problems of global warming and carbon emissions and "that racist, war crime comitting country, Israel... will unite the countries and people of planet earth to come up with permanent solutions....and the anti-christ will be sitting over it all...just as the bible prophesied a few thousand years ago.

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