
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who Do You Think Will Win?

The headline in Reuters reads; Netanyahu defies Obama on Israeli settlement freeze

Reuters must believe that it's shocking for anyone to say no to, much less defy "The one." After all, who can stand up to his charisma, charm and grace? And now the stage is set for a potential toe to toe confrontation between the charismatic, charming ruler of The West....and tiny little Israel... who only has 3 smooth stones and a slingshot to defend itself.

Netanyahu's defiant stance set the stage for a possible showdown with President Barack Obama, who, in talks with the new Israeli prime minister in Washington last week, pressed for a halt to all settlement activity, including natural growth, as called for under a long-stalled peace "road map."

Read full article here;

Check out this paragraph as well;
Half a million Jews live in settlement blocs and smaller outposts built in the West Bank and Arab East Jerusalem, all territory captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War.
The World Court says all are illegal. The United States and European Union regard them as obstacles to peace.

So let's review 1967 the Arabs were threatening extermination (again) of all Jews in Israel. So there was a war that Israel won with supernatural speed against overwhelming odds. And what was restored to them was Jerusalem....obviously the most holy and talked about city of the bible. And now God's chosen people want to build in the city that God himself calls the "apple of my eye"....but the WORLD COURT says that's illegal. I don't know about you, but when the World Court stands in sharp conflict with the Word of God....I don't think there will be any doubt about who will win that conflict.

I just wonder how many countries will get cut to pieces in the process of messing with God's things. To anyone out there who believes that America is just too big, too powerful and too "Christian" to get cut to pieces....please pull out your history books and your bible. You won't have to look very deep to discover that those beliefs would be inaccurate.

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