
Friday, June 12, 2009

Ezekiel's War

We have talked much about the unfulfilled prophecy of Ezekiel I won't go into the whole story again. Needless to say, it is something that we are watching closely as all the players for this epic battle come on stage...and this is the first time in human history that an alliance like this has shown up. Most importantly, please remember that most prophecy watchers believe that the rapture of the church may have already happened when Ezekiel's war is fulfilled.

The key players are Magog (Russia and ex-soviet states) Persia (Iran, parts of Iraq, Turkey, Syria) Beth Togarmah (Turkey, Northern Iraq) and others.

So when this headline came out today, you have to wonder how close we are to Jesus' coming for his bride, the church;
Turkey, Iraq sign military cooperation agreement

Read article here;

I have also linked a map to the ancient Persian empire. The map shows what the Persian empire would have encompassed during the time of Ezekiel's writing. You can see that it had Iran, Turkey, parts of Iraq, Syria, and even Jerusalem as part of the Persian empire.

Remember to keep praying for Iran. They had elections today and are probably now counting votes.

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