
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Iran to Break Monopoly

The "victory" of Ahmadinejad in Iran my embolden him to speak and act with more bravado than he did even during his first term.

June 30 (Bloomberg) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he wants to interact with the world using an “approach of change” to “break the monopoly of global powers,” the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported.
“The nature of the Islamic Republic is to break the bipolar exclusivity of the world,” Ahmadinejad said in an address at the Intelligence Ministry in Tehran today, including the “influence of the military powers in political dealings.”

Read full article here;

Let's remember that the main game played by the world's nations is "King of the Hill". It should come as no surprise that other nations are trying to push the U.S. off the hill....after all, we have been there for quite some time, standing all alone since the Soviet collapse.

Iran is in the news everyday, which should not surprise regular readers of Ezekiel 38. The coalition continues to build....along with the rumors of war.

Hat tip to Dave G.

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