
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Magog and Persia

Iranians aren't done protesting the sham election, but that hasn't stopped Ahmadinejad from jetting off to Russia for an economic summit. Remember that these two countries are the prominent players in Ezekiel 38.

Now check out some of what was said at the summit....and plug it into your understanding using the 3rd lens of scripture;

Taking his turn speaking at one of the summit meetings, Ahmadinejad said that "America is enveloped in economic and political crises, and there is no hope for their resolution."

A senior Russian diplomat hailed Ahmadinejad's visit as evidence of strong ties between Russia and Iran.

"It's quite symbolic that the Iranian president arrived in Russia on his first foreign visit since re-election," Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said at a briefing. "We see that as a sign that the Russian-Iranian relations will advance further."

Ryabkov said the election was Iran's internal affair, but he endorsed Ahmadinejad as the victor.
"We welcome the fact that the elections have taken place, and we welcome the newly re-elected Iranian president on the Russian soil," he said. "We see this visit as a reflection of partner-like, neighborly and traditionally friendly relations between Moscow and Tehran."

Read article here;

Did you catch that last comment by the Russian diplomat?? Even though millions are protesting the sham election and some are being killed on the streets of Tehran...the Russians accept the election results as issued by the dictating Mullahs. Dictators have a way of sticking together, don't they?

Make no mistake....there is a day coming in the not distant future when an "evil thought" will come on these men and they will plan an attack on Israel. And God will fight the battle in defense of Israel...just as He did in days gone by.

Most prophecy watchers believe that followers of Christ will have already been taken in the rapture before that battle unfolds. So how close are we to that glorious day?

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