
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

North Korean Nuclear Offensive

The fiery threats keep coming from North Korea. Last week they renounced the Armistice they signed to end the Korean war....that effectively puts them back at a state of war with the U.S. and with South Korea. The only thing they HAVEN'T done to provoke us is to invade South Korea....otherwise they have pushed all our buttons.

Now they are saying that they will use their nukes not only for defensive reasons but also for offensive reasons;

"Our nuclear deterrent will be a strong defensive well as a merciless offensive means to deal a just retaliatory strike to those who touch the country's dignity and sovereignty even a bit," said the commentary, carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

So they will nuke anyone who touches their should probably be careful about referring to their supreme leader as a "gopher in a pantsuit"....or I may spark Armageddon.

Read full article here;

So what should we do? It's not like we want to send 500,000 troops over there to fight a nasty war. We don't like war....right?? We want to just keep turning that other cheek and send more diplomats over there to talk to everyone from the North that we can. Plus maybe we can send them some more money, fruit baskets, and barges of grain. Certainly then they will finally like us and play nice with us in the sandbox....right??

Wrong. It's time for the silent treatment.

When there is no diplomatic recognition to be traded in exchange for concessions, diplomats assume that talking is always a good idea because words cost nothing but can produce tangible results.

This (talking and concessions) must now stop. The North Korean regime never yielded anything of significance in past negotiations, which have served nobody but them. This time, provocation must not be rewarded. Evidently, the North Korean aim is to evoke more attention, more offers of concessions, more gifts. They must receive nothing at all. Talking has failed utterly. Silence might yet persuade the North Koreans to improve their behavior.

Read full article here;

Friends, it's becoming VERY obvious that the spirit of the world is looking for a fight. We must be very careful how we respond to this bully. If we just keep offering up our lunch money and begging him not to punch us...the end result is that we empower him to keep bullying us and others. The best answer is to just shut your mouth and get ready for offensive action. As President Roosevelt said, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

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