
Thursday, June 11, 2009

What if Israel Strikes?

On Sunday's adult ed class, we put up maps of the middle east. We talked about the Strait of Hormuz and how Iran could easily plug up that narrow strait and potentially interrupt 40% of the earth's oil supply....which could have devastating effects on oil prices...which could devastate the U.S. economy if we are forced to pay $6 a gallon (or worse) for gasoline.

Today in the Wall Street Journal, John Bolton, ex Ambassador to the UN, is also talking about the Strait of Hormuz, in an article titled WHAT IF ISRAEL STRIKES IRAN?

1) Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz. Often cited as Tehran's knee-jerk answer -- along with projections of astronomic oil-price spikes because of the disruption of supplies from Persian Gulf producers -- this option is neither feasible nor advisable for Iran. The U.S. would quickly overwhelm any effort to close the Strait, and Iran would be risking U.S. attacks on its land-based military. Direct military conflict with Washington would turn a bad situation for Iran -- disruption of its nuclear program -- into a potential catastrophe for the regime. Prudent hedging by oil traders and consuming countries (though not their strong suit, historically) would minimize any price spike.

I sure hope that the oil traders have figured out a way to keep nasty spikes from crushing or economy. But the outcome for Israel if they attack Iran sounds dicey;

5) Iran launches missile attacks on Israel. Because all the foregoing options risk more direct U.S. involvement, Tehran will most likely decide to retaliate against the actual attacker, Israel. Using its missile and perhaps air force capabilities, Iran could do substantial damage in Israel, especially to civilian targets. Of course, one can only imagine what Iran might do once it has nuclear weapons, and this is part of the cost-benefit analysis Israel must make before launching attacks in the first place. Direct Iranian military action against Israel, however, would provoke an even broader Israeli counterstrike, which at some point might well involve Israel's own nuclear capability. Accordingly, Iran's Revolutionary Guards would have to think long and hard before unleashing its own capabilities against Israel.

Read this VERY interesting article here;

One thing for sure....what happens in Israel WILL affect every single one of us on planet earth....just as the bible says. Also, be encouraged that the bible says Israel WILL NOT be totally destroyed again.

Pray for Israel. Pray for Iran.

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