
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Europe Pressures Israel

The bible tells us to watch for the nations gathering against Israel as a sign that we are in the season of the last days. This prophecy would have been dismissed for centuries as ludicrous....because Israel didn't exist.

We now know that "replacement theology" is false because Israel is back on the world scene....and as of late has been the focus of the world's attention.

Check out today's headline from Reuters;
Europe raises pressure on Israel to stop settlements

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Germany, France and Sweden on Tuesday joined a widening group of Western nations pressing Israel to stop building settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank under a U.S.-led effort to resume stalled peace talks.

In Berlin, Ruprecht Polenz, a senior member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative party, was quoted as saying Israel ran the risk "of gradually committing suicide as a democratic state" if it did not stop the construction.

Read full article here;

Honestly...I am beginning to think that there are very few people left on earth who actually read their bibles AND actually believe what they say. What else could possible account for such an utter lack of understanding regarding Jews and Israel....unless it is supernatural God gives over the world to it's own selfish pursuits...and finally says, "Enough!"

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