
Monday, July 20, 2009

Israeli Attack on Iran

As we have said for the past year; if (when?) Israel goes into Iran to knock out their nuclear will affect all of us...probably in ways that we can't even quite fathom yet. That being said, we know there would be a shock (much of it emotional) to the oil markets. Further, if Iran follows through on it's threats to close the Strait of Hormuz in the event of an attack, it could draw all sorts of countries into a military engagement and could push gasoline prices up to $6 gallon pretty quickly. That event alone would be a confidence shattering event in the U.S. as we try and pull our way back from a 25 year, drunken spending binge...and could push us far deeper into a recession and/or depression.

Amid reports that Defense Secretary Robert Gates is heading to Israel next week for talks on Teheran's nuclear program, a senior US defense official has told The Jerusalem Post that an Israeli strike on Iran could be profoundly destabilizing and would affect US interests.

"A unilateral third-party attack on Iran's nuclear program could have profoundly destabilizing consequences, and it wouldn't just affect the general level of stability in the region. It would affect Israel's security and it would affect our interests, and the safety of our forces in Afghanistan and Iraq and elsewhere," the official said, when asked if the US expected Israel to inform it of any decision to strike Iran.

"It's a pretty big deal, and given the closeness of our relationship with Israel, I think we would hope that they would take those strategic calculations into account."

His comments in the interview, conducted on Friday, came on the heels of conflicting signs from the Obama administration about whether it had given Israel a so-called "green light" to attack Iran, after Vice President Joe Biden said "Israel can determine for itself - it's a sovereign nation - what's in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else" on July 5.

Read full article here;

Remember that giving conflicting messages to your enemies has always proven to be a VERY DANGEROUS practice. And the Obama administration has been doing a lot of that lately. That reason alone is a good one for explaining why so many prophecy watchers believe the world is substantially more dangerous today since Obama has been parading around the world apologizing for everything that America has ever done.

Just remember, if Israel does go into Iran, the hatred of the world will unleash on them in about a nano-second. And if you and I aren't careful, we could also could fall into the satanic trap of anti-semitism....the strength of which is already building all over the world.

Keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Also keep praying for the people of Iran and the leaders of Iran, that the light of Christ will continue to shine into that pitch black country. Rosenberg tells us that 1000 people in Iran are coming to Christ everyday! Those people are our eternal brothers and sisters, so we need to be celebrating that fact and praying for the lost.

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