
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lost World

The interesting news from yesterday was that a large solar eclipse made it's way across Asia. I don't believe there is anything prophetic about this event as solar eclipses happen all the time. However, some may choose to throw that on top of all the other prophetic activity happening and proclaim the eclipse as simply one more sign that strange things are about to happen to planet earth.

As I was reading the article, I was struck with how lost most of the people are on planet earth. I mean really....if Christ came back in the clouds and said, "Come up here!" and the Last Trumpet was many people would actually make their way into the clouds to be with Jesus forever?? I'm starting to understand that it's going to be a lot smaller number than we would hope.

As the eclipse moved through the most populated portions of the world, we see this;

In India, where eclipse superstitions are rife, people snaked through the narrow lanes of the ancient Hindu holy city of Varanasi and gathered for a dip in the Ganges, an act believed to bring release from the cycle of life and death.

Amid chanting of Hindu hymns, thousands of men, women and children waded into the river with folded hands and prayed to the sun as it emerged in an overcast sky.

"We have come here because our elders told us this is the best time to improve our afterlife," said Bhailal Sharma, a villager from central India travelling in a group of about 100.

Hey Bhailal...your elders are long dead! How can they tell you anthing about an improved afterlife?

In Nepal, we see this;

In Hindu-majority Nepal, the government declared Wednesday a public holiday and thousands headed for water.

"Taking a dip in holy rivers before and after the eclipse salvages and protects us from disasters and calamities," said 86-year-old Sundar Shrestha, who had come to the holy Bagmati river with six children and grand children.

Read full article here;

Men definitely have a worship chip planted in them....meaning we are created to worship something. The bible has been warning people of this all along when it ridiculed earlier men for making god's out of wood or stone with their own hands and then bowing down and worshiping the things they just created. Men have worshiped the creation instead of the Creator. This also is folly as we read about the above people worshiping the sun or a river.

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but through me." Since we know Christ's words are Truth, it seems clear that these folks standing in the river worshiping the sun will still be standing there when Christ returns in the clouds to claim his bride.

We need to remember to pray for all the lost people around us. Certainly we know that most of our next door neighbors are also lost...just as lost as the people standing in a river in India praying to the sun.

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