
Saturday, July 18, 2009

No Golan, No Talks

A few months ago we looked at a map showing the Golan Heights. It's a small area on the north east side of the Sea of Galilee...but it is at the heart of any possible peace agreement between Syria and Israel....and there appears to be almost no chance that any understanding will happen. Now Syria is issuing an ultimatum saying that there will be no peace talks with Israel unless Israel gives back the Golan BEFORE the talks begin.

Damascus has told the United States bluntly that unless Israel agrees as a precondition to hand over the Golan Heights, there will be no further peace talks.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has categorically rejected any suggestion of withdrawal from the region, which became a part of Israel in 1981 with the Golan Heights Law.
Syrian troops had previously spent decades using the Golan Heights as a position from which to fire at Jewish farmers and their families in the fields of Israel below.

Read full article here;

It certainly appears as if these two countries are in stalemate over this issue. There is no way either will budge on there respective positions....and we still have the unfulfilled prophecy of Isaiah 17 which tells us that Damascus will be we continue to watch this situation very closely.

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