
Thursday, July 9, 2009

"They" Don't Want Us to Know

So who is the Federal Reserve? Who makes money on it? How do they decide how much paper money to print? How do they decide what bonds to issue? How much are they in debt? How much money have they printed?

All those, and many more, are good questions...but the Federal Reserve doesn't want us to know because we might start making judgements based on the answers we receive. Recently Congress has been asking questions. Watch the linked video to see what Bernanke had to say;

Did you catch that?? Auditing the Federal Reserve could threaten the financial system, the dollar and the economy. Wow!! Better just leave it alone then forever and ever!!

As I have asked in the past...has anyone seen the Wizard of Oz, when Toto pulls back the curtain? I get that feeling that the Federal Reserve does not want that curtain pulled back.

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