
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Trainwreck Coming

Most of us are familiar with bestselling author, Joel Rosenberg. He has some grave concerns about where Obama is taking the U.S. regarding it's relationship with Israel.

"Only 34 percent of Israelis see President Obama as a friend, as an ally; whereas more than 85 percent saw President Bush as a friend and ally," Rosenberg points out. "There are deep concerns in Israel about where President Obama is taking the U.S.-Israel relationship." Rosenberg says many Americans, including himself, share those concerns.

Read article here;

Many watchers believe that the U.S. was blessed and made powerful for a few be a light of Christ to the world AND to be the country that helped to incubate Israel after the holocaust. If we forget where our blessings come from and begin to turn out backs on Israel, our "greatness" could fade pretty darn fast.

Also, many believe that when the U.S. liberated Iraq, it set in motion the environment necessary to usher in the Last Days prophecies regarding Iraq....where Babylon is already beginning to emerge from the ashes. Read the book of Revelation and see what the word of God has to say about Babylon.

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