
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Arabs Endorse Iranian Strike

We have mentioned already that Egypt allowed Israeli military ships to pass through the Suez canal. Also, it is rumored that Saudi Arabia has given permission for the Israeli air force to fly over their airspace to strike Iran.

Now it is being reported that the Arab states are pressuring Obama to greenlight an Israeli strike on Iran.

JERUSALEM – For the first time since coming into office, President Obama is under serious pressure to study the possibility of an Israeli military strike against Iran, a top Egyptian intelligence official told WND.

The Egyptian official said the pressure does not only come from Israel but also from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia that are at odds with Iran and its Shiite theocracy.

The official said Prince Saud Al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, has been involved in an intense, behind-the-scenes lobbying effort urging the U.S. and other Western countries to do everything necessary to ensure Iran does not obtain nuclear weapons. Such weapons would threaten Saudi Arabia's position of influence in the Middle East.

The Egyptian official said his country believes it is not likely Obama will grant Israel permission to attack Iran.

Read full article here;

"....and there will be wars and rumors of war...."

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