
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Falling Away

Thanks Lisa H. for filling in for me as "writer at large"! Awesome posts and we all sure appreciate your willingness to do this for us! Thanks again!

I will report that the High School youth trip to Lone Tree Bible ranch was a huge success....thanks to all that were praying for us. We sensed the spiritual warfare coming against us early on as we had numerous technical difficulties that were far more than "coincidence". Satan obviously did not want these 60 kids to hear about the theme of the week, "The fear of the Lord". But hear it they did...and I pray that many lives will be changed as a result of the messages that were shared.

During the week we were also studying the book of Romans. Even a casual reader of the book will understand that Apostle Paul clearly labels homosexual sex as "sin". It would be hard to understand it as anything other than that...and falls into the same category as adultery, bestiality and orgies.

But the Episcopal church doesn't see it this way. In fact, a large part of their body wants to place practicing homosexuals into leadership positions.

Read article here;

We are all created with a sin nature. That's a fact. But as Christ followers we are commanded to NOT act on every desire that our flesh suggests to us.

The article is simply more proof that in the Last Days men (and women) will surround themselves with many teachers who will simply tell them what their itchy ears want to hear.

What's next? Maybe a pastor who enjoys multiple partners? "Why not?", some would say....afterall, they would argue...he was created with that desire...."so it simply can't be sin."

And the falling away from the faith continues to gather steam.

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