
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Israel Quits Buying Dollars

We're not sure if this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back...but we do think it's interesting. The news being reported in the Jerusalem Post is that Israel's central bank is discontinuing it's purchase of U.S. dollars.

The Bank of Israel on Tuesday will stop its program of buying $100 million on a daily basis but reserve the right to intervene in the foreign-currency market, the bank announced Monday.

Read short article here;

One has to ask; is this simply a business decision that is being reported? Or is this something prophetic that Israel has had "enough" of U.S. dollars and will start putting it's trust elsewhere? Will the relationship between Israel and the U.S. continue to weaken?

As we have said all along....America was not put here in all it's power and wealthy splendor so all it's citizens can have a "good time" and chase the American dream. No...we were put here to incubate Israel during it's tumultuous birth. We were also put here to be a missions base for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And lastly, we have come to believe that America's last great mission was to free Iraq from the forces of Saddam Hussein so that the prophecies of Babylon can be fulfilled in these Last Days.

When God has no further use for a country and that country has turned from Him....that same country becomes immediately expendable.

Oh yeah....according to the article above, the U.S. dollar dropped 1% of it's value on the global exchange on the news that Israel was done buying them. If China, Brazil, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, India, and 20 other countries, also quit buying U.S. dollars....could the value drop by 80-90%? Of course...the answer is "yes".

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