
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rapture- 2009

After reading the website, Rapture that I will post below, I felt that I needed to send this Brother an in fact I did. While I agree with a lot of what this gentleman says about the rapture of the church....he goes further and says that he is mighty confident that it is going to happen in 2009...probably the spring of 2009. Oooops!

All of us who are anticipating the Lord's return need to be careful to NOT disqualify ourselves....and setting a date is a really good way to do that. I mentioned to him that it is a better option to simply understand that we are in "the season" of our Lord's return...and leave it at that.

With that being said, it's interesting to note that this Reverend is tracking with the whole 2012 theme that seems to be sweeping the earth.

Q - Can you give me some good reasons why the Rapture will happen in 2009?

A - Yes here's why the Rapture will happen in 2009. This is only a few reasons there are many more I cannot explain here in this short article.

1 - There are hundreds of Ancient Prophecies that all point to the end of 2012 being the end of the world, the Bible teaches us that the Rapture will happen three and one half years before the start of the great tribulations (This is the second half of the 7 year tribulation) so all these Ancient Prophecies confirm the Biblical view of the great tribulation and that means the Rapture will happen in 2009. See my
2012 page for a detailed list.

So....if there are hundreds of "Ancient Prophecies" that all point to 2012 as the world ending....who gave us those prophecies? Were they in God's word...or were they coming from sources that would have "the father of all lies" at their core?

Check out his website here to find out why he thinks the rapture of the church will happen in 2009;

Let's remember the words of our Lord that tell us that no man knows the day or the hour of our Lords return. Let's further remember that Jesus says he will come like a thief so that he can surprise the strong-man....who would be Satan, the current prince of this earth. And finally, let's remember that Paul tells us we believers WILL NOT be surprised at the Rapture...meaning that we will know we are in the season. For instance...if I heard the trumpet blow 10 minutes from now....I would not be surprised as we have been watching all the signs and are expecting him. But we certainly don't know if it's going to be the spring of fall of any specific year.

What do you think?

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