
Thursday, September 3, 2009

2012...The End of the World?

Yes...our antennae have been up for quite some time concerning all the chatter from various sources describing potential cataclysm coming in the year 2012. You can use the search engine on this blog and put in "2012" and see what postings come up.

As expected, we are not the only prophecy watchers who have noticed all the grim possibilities that are heading our way in 2-3 years.

Jack Kelley is a very well respected name in prophecy and he just posted a 2012 article on the Rapture Ready website. I believe it merits reading.

One paragraph I do want to point out speaks of the Nephilim while discussing the Mayans...

Below are some modern confirmations that will demonstrate how startlingly accurate the Mayans were. They lend more credibility to the view that the influence of the Nephilim with their supernatural knowledge might have been much more widespread than previously thought. Hints of their meddling can be seen world wide.

Read full article here;

For new readers who have never heard the word "Nephilim"...I will refer you to Genesis 6 and you will notice that they were on the earth BEFORE the flood of Noah....and also afterward. Also remember that "sons of God" is referring to angelic beings...which are all created beings as opposed to humans which are "beget" through human mating.

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