
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Most of us are familiar with this posting's words...which were spoken by Christ. Of course there are a few ways to interpret what he was saying when he gave his famous Sermon on the Mount.

Some say he was speaking to people who help other's gain peace with God...obviously through spreading the Gospel message.

Others say this was a directive to try and spread peace on earth.

Today we see this headline front on center on all major news reports;
President Obama to host Israeli-Palestinian talks

Next week's meetings are "another sign of the president's deep commitment to comprehensive peace that he wants to personally engage at this juncture, as we continue our efforts to encourage all sides to take responsibility for peace and to create a positive context for the resumption of negotiations," Mitchell said in the White House statement.

Read article here;

I do know that the Bible also speaks very seriously about those who mess with God's land...especially the division of it.

Let's continue to pray for Obama and pray that he is reading his Bible....asking God for wisdom.

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