
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chemicals Pointed at Israel

A few years ago it was revealed that Syria had an explosion that was linked to their development of chemical weapons. I remember what an Israeli General said when he was given the report. He said that if there was even one dead dog found in northern Israel that was the result of chemicals being unleashed by Syria...that Syria would be "gone". I then remember the passage in Isaiah 17.

According to this news article, Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, is also playing with chemicals....while vowing to destroy Israel.

Read article here;

Let me give you a possible scenario; Israel attacks Iran's nuclear facilities. Not only does Iran respond with missile attacks on Israel, but so does Syria, and Hezbollah on the southern border of Lebanon, and also Hamas throwing rocks and small missiles out of Gaza. So Israel is faced with a war coming at them from at least four directions. The enemies of Israel may begin to wrongly conclude that "this is the day to destroy Israel!" And they start screwing chemical warheads onto their missiles coming out of Damascus and/or Lebanon. At which point Israeli intelligence gets this info and immediately dispatch a nuclear bomber jet up the road to Damascus.....and silence them once and for all....fulfilling Isaiah 17.

The enemies of Israel all watch the mushroom cloud in stunned disbelief and realize that the Jews are serious when they say "never again". Israel then seizes on the moment of shock and quickly move into the enemy territory and destroy all militants on their immediate borders. This then fulfills Psalm 83.

Iran draws a temporary cease fire with the urging of the UN. And we then enter into a period where Israel can say, "peace and safety" they are in Ezekiel 38....right before a huge coalition led by Russia and joined by Iran, Turkey, Libya and others, get the evil thought to invade Israel....and are destroyed by God himself.

Keep in mind....I am not saying that it HAS to happen this way. I just put it out there as a possible scenario.

So when would the rapture happen in all this? I hope it happens today....but if Jesus should tarry...we might be left here to witness Isaiah 17 and possibly even Psalm 83....but I have my doubts that we will be here to witness Ezekiel 38. Why?? Because by the time Ezekiel 38 happens....God will have turned his personal attention back to Israel....which would mean the "fullness of the gentiles" had been completed....which means the rapture of the church has already happened.

Keep praying, "Thy Kingdom come"...

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