
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Degenerating Humans

Are humans getting better or worse? Are we actually evolving or are we degenerating? Let's remember that Adam was made to live forever but when sin cut him off from the tree of life...he started to deteriorate. He still lived over 900 years but every generation since him seemed to live shorter and shorter lives. And now, were it not for drugs and technology, most of us would be checking out fairly early in life. In Honduras today the average life expectancy is around 45 years...and this is true in much of the 3rd world.

Chuch Missler has some great truths on this discussion. If you aren't familiar with Missler, I strongly encourage you to check him out at

Even using that stricter understanding of evolution, though, it can be argued that life on earth, and especially the human race, is not evolving at all. In fact, some people argue that the human race is devolving, that we're degenerating in a variety of ways and are consequently losing the ability to survive. More to the point, we can argue that our physical bodies, beautiful though they are, are mere shadows of the excellent bodies God gave our ancestors when He created the world, and the disease and physical suffering we see around us is a result of a fallen world and thousands of years of degeneration.

Here is his article on human degeneration;

As Missler points out....don't be discouraged about our old, diseased bodies that are degenerating. God has a new one for us that IS perfect and when Jesus comes for us he will be giving us our new one that will never pass away! What a glorious day that will be!!

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