
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Does Satan Foreshadow?

Let's review; The Koran IS NOT the Word of God. According to the words of Christ, things are either working FOR HIM or AGAINST HIM. By that definition then, the Koran is not leading people to Christ so it must have some Satanic roots and/or be inspired by Satan.

With that being said, is it possible that since Satan DOES read the bible, he can come to the same truths that you and I can. He can read Daniel and Revelation. In fact, Satan was so concerned that Gabriel was going to deliver the truth of his demise to the Prophet Daniel...that he fought Gabriel in the heavens and detained him until the angel, Micheal, could come and help fight. (Read if for yourselves)

Now, let's go to a really strange discussion.

I was searching the Internet for information on the Islamic prophesies of the 12th Imam (the Mahdi) and came across this blog written by a Muslim who believes the Mahdi is soon going to return. According to their beliefs, when he does return, HE WILL RULE THE EARTH FOR SEVEN YEARS.

Some Hadith says that Al-Mahdi will rule for 7 years while other Hadith says that he will rule for 9 years. Although it was agreed by Muslim scholars that Mahdi will rule from 7-9 years and then will pass away afterwards.

You can read this dude's blog here and see for yourselves how Satan has taken the truths of the bible and twisted them so that all the Muslims (and most of the fallen world) will believe that the Mahdi is the savior of the earth....when really he is the Anti-Christ that the bible warns is coming. Remember, the bible is very clear that the Anti-Christ will rule for about 7 yrs and then be thrown into the abyss when Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation.

Read if here;

Also notice as you read this Muslim blog that there are many signs and wonders that will happen including earthquakes, as the Mahdi returns....exactly as the bible says that signs and miricles will accompany the Anti-Christ.

I have read lots of amazing stuff in the past years...but honestly folks, this revelation that Satan has been twisting the exact details of Daniel and Revelation for his diabolical.

But really....should we expect anything less from the Prince of Darkness?

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