
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The French Look for Obama's Backbone

You know things are getting dangerous when the French are getting upset that Obama refuses to stand up to the Iranians.

Today, the Wall Street Journal tells the rest of the story of what was happening behind the scenes BEFORE Obama, Sarkozy and Brown all emerged onto the stage at the G20....showing signs of unity....but Brown and Sarkozy were fit to be tied.

President Sarkozy in particular pushed hard. He had been "frustrated" for months about Mr. Obama's reluctance to confront Iran, a senior French government official told us, and saw an opportunity to change momentum. But the Administration told the French that it didn't want to "spoil the image of success" for Mr. Obama's debut at the U.N. and his homily calling for a world without nuclear weapons, according to the Paris daily Le Monde.

Read it here;

It's sad that Obama and his handlers have yet to figure out that negotiations come from positions of strength...and not from weakness. Meanwhile the bomb continues to tick.

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